Business Question
Compare and contrast the follower typologies/models in the Kilburn article (Zalesnik, Kelley, Chaleff, and Kellerman) and in the introduction to part 3 (Potter & Rosenbach and Curphy & Roellig). Using the situation you described in discussion question 1 above, choose the model which best fits the situation, describe the followers’
actions and behaviors that place them in the various quadrants.
o Requirements: 750-800 words, APA
Resource: Hughes, Richard L., Ginnett, Robert C., & Curphy, Gordon J. (2022). Leadership: Enhancing the
Lessons of Experience (10th ed.). McGraw Hill LLC. ISBN: 9781260682977 (paperback);
9781264071470 (ebook)
Chapters 10 Follower Satisfaction and Engagement (Hughes, Ginnett, & Curphy text)
• Kilburn, Brandon. (2010). Who are we leading? Identifying effective followers: A review
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APA Format 833 words