Capstone Project element 5

Capstone Project element 5

 Write a paper describing your organization’s compensation, rewards, and benefit programs
Is it helping your organization achieve its goals?
How are wage and salary levels determined?
What methods are used for evaluating employees to determine salary increases?
Are salary levels adequate to enable the organization to attract and maintain an effective work force?
Do differentials in pay appropriately reflect differentials in skills and responsibilities? How does longevity impact pay?
How do salary levels compare to comparable organizations?
How is merit pay and incentive compensation used and in what areas? How effective are these programs in achieving high levels of employee performance?
Does your organization use other monetary incentives? If so, how are they determined?
Are bonuses or merit pay based on individual, team, and/or organizational performance?
What non-monetary rewards does your organization offer?
Describe your organization’s benefits programs. How are they determined? How do they compare with those of other organizations?
Do you provide for family and medical leave? If so, please describe.
Does the organization provide employee health insurance coverage? Explain.
Describe the organization’s flexible work options such as telecommuting or job sharing.
What retirement pension benefits are currently offered?
What efforts are utilized to maintain employee morale and job satisfaction?
What does the organization do to enhance the work and family interface?

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