Case Study Analysis and Application of Concepts

Case Study Analysis and Application of Concepts

Module 2: What is Multicultural Psychology?

Welcome to Module 2: What is Multicultural Psychology!
This module establishes a shared language through carefully defining the nuances between terms used to describe facets of multicultural psychology.
Module Learning Objectives
In this module, we will:
 Define pluralistic ignorance and its impact. 
 Define race. Discuss the social construction of race.
 Describe ethnic group and cultural diversity.
 Discern multicultural psychology from cultural psychology.
 Discuss discrimination and microaggressions. 
 Explain the meaning of White privilege and Whiteness, including intergroup bias. 
 Describe the impact of color blindness, color-evasion, and power-evasion.
 Explain the impact of emotional defensiveness, accommodation of safety, and
exceptionalism when applied to White fragility.
 Discuss the impact of social dominance.
 Explain intersectional identities.
Step-by-Step Guide
Please complete the following for this module:
Step 1:  Read Chapter 1 in your textbook. [Course Learning Objectives: 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 2a,
3a, 3b]
Step 2:  Complete the Module 2 Quiz, worth 20 points, which is located below. [1a, 1b, 1c,
1d, 2a, 3a, 3b]
Step 3:  Complete the Module 2 Discussion, worth 30 points, which is located below. [1a, 1b,
1c, 1d, 2a, 3a, 3b, 3c]

Module 2 Discussion
Perspective Taking (30 points)
The purpose of this discussion is to engage in open, respectful dialogue about facets of
multicultural psychology.
In this discussion, you may or may not agree with your classmates’
perspectives, thought processes, and opinions. Engaging in productive academic discourse
requires respectfully learning from diverse points of view in a way that supports and promotes
learning from one another’s experiences and opinions.
Please note: This discussion forum is “post first.” In other words, you will not see the
posts of your classmates until after you post.
Step 1:  If you have not already done so, read Chapter 1 in your textbook. 
Step 2:  Identify one of the following prompts, and create at least a one paragraph response:
 In your opinion, in what ways might pluralistic ignorance impact someone’s thought
processes, creating “blind spots” in their thinking process?  
 In your opinion, what is meant by the following statement: “Any single identity exists
in the context of other identities?”
 In your opinion, what is meant by the following statement: “A person having multiple
stigmatized identities has multiple domains in which to experience oppression.”
Step 3: Thoughtfully and respectfully reply to at least one classmate with a substantive
response that integrates relevant content from the assigned readings and/or from additional
credible research you conducted. Please use APA style for both your in-text and reference
page citations.  
Module 3: Multicultural Research Methods and Social Psychology

Welcome to Module 3: Multicultural Research Methods and Social Psychology!
On October 29, 2021, the American Psychological Association (APA) published an apology to
communities of color for its role in promoting, perpetuating, and failing to challenge racism
falling short on its mission to benefit society and improve lives. Here is the link to APA’s
written apology:
In the apology, APA established their plan for change. They stated, “APA rejects ‘hegemonic
science’—that is, research focused on identifying and reinforcing supposed hierarchies of
human value based on a White-default—and will continue to oppose it through culturally
responsive training, ethical/equity-focused approaches, peer review, and publications” (APA,
2021, para. 31).
The content of this module directly addresses multiculturally responsive research methods
that move through and beyond the limitations of hegemonic science. This module also
addresses the related dynamics of social psychology.

Module Learning Objectives
In this module, we will:
 Explain Generalizability Research, including its benefits and limitations.
 Discuss Group Differences Research, including its benefits and limitations.
 Explain Multicultural Research, including its benefits and limitations.
 Discuss the impact of sampling issues, recruitment of participants, and racial and
ethnic identifications in research, 
 Identify factors that impact cultural equivalence of constructs and measurements.
 Explain qualitative research methods, including qualitative inquiry approaches and
community-based participatory research, including the benefits and limitations.
 Discuss the dynamics and impact of stereotypes, stereotype threat, prejudice,
discrimination, and microaggressions.
 Explain microinterventions and their impact.
 Explain intergroup interactions, including social identity, social categorization/group
cognition, social dominance, dehumanization, and multiculturalism. 

Step-by-Step Guide
Please complete the following for this module:
Step 1:  Read Chapter 3 and Chapter 6 in your textbook.  [Course Learning Objectives: 1a,
1b, 1d, 2a, 3b, 3c, 4a, 4b]
Step 2:  Complete the Module 3 Quiz, worth 20 points. The Module 3 Quiz addresses Chapter
3: Multicultural Research Methods. The Module 3 Quiz does not have questions about
Chapter 6: Social Psychology.  [1b, 1d]
Step 3: Complete the Module 3 Written Assignment, worth 30 points, which is located
below.  [3b, 4a, 4b]
Module 3 Written Assignment
Case Study Reaction Paper (worth 30 points)
The purpose of this reaction paper is the examine a court case that highlights multiple
concepts in social psychology.
Step 1:  If you have not already done so, please read Chapter 6 in your textbook.
Step 2:  Please read the following:  Case Study. (SEE BELOW)

Step 3:  In at least two paragraphs, thoroughly describe your thought process about the case
study and issues related to the case study. Also, explain how and why at least two concepts
from the assigned readings directly, indirectly, or do not apply to the case study.
Case Study:  Experimentation on People Incarcerated
In January 2022, four inmates at the Washington County Jail in Arkansas sued the jail, its
doctor, and the former sheriff, alleging they were given the anti-parasitic drug Ivermectin to
treat COVID-19 without their consent. The inmates said they were told they were being given
vitamins, antibiotics, or steroids. The four incarcerated people stated they did not know they
were being given Ivermectin until after they had been released from jail.
The lawsuit alleged that the inmates suffered side effects from taking Ivermectin, including
vision problems, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. The inmates also alleged the jail’s doctor, Dr.
Robert Karas, had a history of prescribing Ivermectin to jail inmates for COVID-19, even though
the drug was not approved by the Food and Drug Administration for that purpose.
In October 2023, the inmates and the defendants reached a settlement agreement. The terms
of the settlement are confidential, but the four individuals each received a payment of $2,000.
The case of the four Arkansas jail inmates is significant because it raises important questions
about the ethical treatment of prisoners and the role of human services providers in jails. The
inmates allege they were subjected to medical experimentation without their consent, and that
they suffered harm as a result.
The case also highlights the trend of jail inmates being given Ivermectin for COVID-19, even
though the drug was not approved for that purpose and there was a lack of evidence that it was
an effective treatment.
The names and demographic information of the four incarcerated people are not released.
According to their legal representation, the race of the four inmates who sued the Washington
County Jail in Arkansas for being given Ivermectin without their consent has not been publicly
released. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) represented the inmates in the lawsuit and
stated the inmates were “disproportionately people of color.” The ACLU has also said the
inmates were “vulnerable individuals who were denied their right to informed consent.”

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