-APA Format.
-Introduction or abstract page
-Summary or Conclusion page
-Four Pages Minimum, not included Introduction or abstract, Conclusion or Summary , and Bibliographic pages.
-Completely unacceptable Copy and Paste from Internet, or other resources.
– Bibliographic have to be in APA Format, minimum 3 references citations with 3 years old or less.
20190619132636study_case_for_library_assigment (1)
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A nurse manager is a leader who is involved in many duties like, helping in adopting new ideas and practices so as to improve an organization or facility. These managers like wearing different types of hats and usually act as the middle-man between the communication of the upper-level management and staff. They help in recruiting and supervising of workers and how things are done. This paper is going to discuss the roles of the assistant nurse manager, relevant skills etc.
(1,367 words)