
What aesthetic value does the work have?

What aesthetic value does the work have? Week 7 Assignment: ...

What would you do differently if you taught this activity?

What would you do differently if you taught this activity? ...

Similarities and differences between Michelanglo and Marcel dump

Similarities and differences between Michelanglo and Marcel dump Subject: Art ...

Select a photograph or film art piece to use as a point of inspiration.

Select a photograph or film art piece to use as ...

Briefly explain the background of the inspiration piece.

Briefly explain the background of the inspiration piece. Week 5 ...

Choose something that requires expertise & interpret

Choose something that requires expertise & interpret Cinema & architecture ...

Below is an example of how to sequence your critique.

Below is an example of how to sequence your critique. ...

What are your thoughts on the architectural priorities of our current moment?

What are your thoughts on the architectural priorities of our ...

Write a reflection about the relationship between your art production and the inspiration piece.

Write a reflection about the relationship between your art production ...

Is this a good example of this type of EASTERN art?

Is this a good example of this type of EASTERN ...

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