
Choose any controversial topic that you want.

Choose any controversial topic that you want Choose any controversial ...

The following 15 minutes TED Talk video neatly summarizes many of the ideas we have been discussing throughout the semester.

Write and explain Learning Goal: I’m working on a microeconomics ...

First, you should describe the steps taken to collect data and construct graphs.

Research Project Details: Write a two-page report on the GDP ...

Discuss tools available to the government to correct a market failure.

Microeconomics Details: For this assignment, first play the simulation games ...

Debate the relative pros and cons of a fixed V a floating exchange rate system.

Discussion Debate the relative pros and cons of a fixed ...

Define productive aging.

Explain each question for the study guide. Chapter 8 1)Define ...

Describe your reaction to the term and how it tends to make you feel.

Faith, Facts, and Feelings Instructions 1. Review the rubric to ...

For this class, an important part is an essay where you explore an idea or event in International Political Economy.

Political Science Question Learning Goal: I’m working on a political ...

Discuss the major determinants of price elasticity of demand.

Microeconomics Instructions Discuss the major determinants of price elasticity of ...

Provide a concrete example of one way that a worldwide or current event has positively or negatively impacted economic activity.

Economics Summary Learning Goal: I’m working on a management multi-part ...

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