Child Development Reflection Journal

Child Development Reflection Journal

Learning Activity

Each week, after completing your reading and videos, you will take some time to process your learning by writing in this journal. This is a conversation that you are having with yourself. You are discussing with yourself what has made this week’s learning material meaningful and important to you. At the end of the semester you will have 14 entries. This is a pass/fail assignment. If you do not have 14 entries with a complete 3-2-1 Reflection for each entry submitted by Sunday of the week of the module, you will receive a 0 on the entry for that week. If you have submitted a complete entry on time, you will receive full points. 

Learning Outcomes

  • The student will identify and discuss the most important learning that they internalized from this week’s module.
  • The student will make connections, identify, and discuss their new learning with their existing knowledge and understanding of topics related to the class material in this week’s module. 
  • The student will identify and discuss additional material that they want to learn about and/or the student will identify material that they are still confused about related to this week’s material. 


Week # – Topic

  • 3 new things you learned this week 
  • 2 things that you already knew
    • Don’t tell me “I learned about…” Tell me WHAT you learned.
    • Instead try “I learned that…” This sentence sets you up for communicating your new understanding of the facts. 
  • 1 question about the reading
    • What else would you like to know about this material that was not covered in this module?
    • What are you still confused about? 


Week 6 – Gangs and Community Violence

3 New Things:

2 Thinks I Knew:

  • You can identify gang members by their clothing
  • You can identify gang members by tattoos



Note that you only need Question or Confusion. You don’t need both.

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