Child Welfare

Child Welfare

You will create a Blog, Vlog or Canva which demonstrates your ability to synthesize your learning over the last 4 modules. You are responsible for demonstrating the ways that the concepts from each of the 4 modules relate to each other, how they deepen our understanding of child welfare issues, and how they provide us with information that empowers us to prevent child abuse. 

Learning Objectives:

  • The student will demonstrate mastery of concepts over the last 4 modules through the use of textual analysisLinks to an external site. (scroll down the chart to see the definition). 
  • The student will utilize critical thinking and analysis skills to discuss how the topics in the different modules relate to each other. 
  • The student will discuss how to apply the new learning and understanding gained in these modules to prevent child abuse and neglect. 


  • Go back and review the last 4 modules. 
  • Select at least 4 key concepts from each module that you believe are important.
    • It might be helpful to review your 1-2-3 Reflection Journal when selecting your concepts. 
    • Or use your weekly hand written study guide to select your 4 topics. 


  • If you are doing the Vlog with the Powerpoint you must have a minimum of 12 slides including 1 title page, 1 reference page and 10 slides with content. 
  • If you are doing the Blog, you will have a minimum of 10 paragraphs following the outline above. In text academic citations and references at the end are required.
    • Don’t forget to include images and graphics to make it visually appealing 
    • A paragraph contains a topic sentence, a minimum of 3 supporting sentences and a transition or conclusion sentence. 
    • College level writing and grammar are required, just as with any academic paper you would write
  • If you are doing the Canva, you will have sections that introduce your article, 5 important points from the article, a synthesis and a conclusion with academic citations in text and a separate section for references.
    • Don’t forget to include images and graphics to make it visually appealing


  • Now that you have a general overview of the relationships between the different concepts, Choose which communication mode you would like to use to demonstrate your learning.
  • Then… Record and CREATE – CREATE – CREATE
    • You recording will be a 5 minute minimum. 


  • EmbedLinks to an external site. your assignment to the discussion board to share with your fellow students. 
  • Upload a transcript of your recording in your post.
  • Upload any powerpoint slides, Canva or other items you used in your presentation. 

This assignment may be turned in up to 2 weeks late for up to 1/2 credit. No assignments will be accepted after the grace period. 

Answer preview for Child Welfare


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