Create a section for the methodological approach you feel was best suited to your question.

Create a section for the methodological approach you feel was best suited to your question.

  1. Continue to refine your research topic and question. Create section headings for your topic and your question. Include a description of your topic as if explaining to someone who is not versed in the topic. Provide your question in the form of a question.
  2. Create a section for the methodological approach you feel was best suited to your question. Look back at your work in Week 3 as a foundation to refine your response.
  3. Discuss what data you would need to answer your research question and how you might collect it. Will your research be primary or secondary data? Will it be quantitative or qualitative? Go into depth on how you will collect it highlighting specific methods.
buddy, do you think “hotel sustainability” is a good topic? for this discussion?   
These two work are related. can you do this first and then use this survey to do another one.

Continue to refine your research topic and question. Create section headings for your topic and your question. Include a description of your topic as if explaining to someone who is not versed in the topic. Provide your question in the form of a question.

Research Topic: Health at Every Size (HAES)

Research Question: What is the supporting research for and against HAES as it relates to chronic disease risk?

Topic Description: Health at Every Size is a new non-traditional health promotion strategy. It aims to encourage a healthy lifestyle by encouraging nutritional education, mental health, self-introspection on eating habits, and encouraging healthier food options as a means for disease prevention. The caveat is that HAES promotes that good health can be achieved regardless of weight. I am interested in exploring the positives and negatives of HAES.


Discuss ongoing obesity epidemic

Transition into HAES as an non-traditional health approach

Overview professional consensus on positive benefits of HAES.

Overview professional consensus on concerns of HAES

Pose research question “HAES claims that body weight does not increase the risk for chronic disease, cater-corner to the current medical consensus. What is the supporting research for and against HAES as it relates to chronic disease risk?


– Utilize a mixed method approached (utilizing both quantitative and qualitative data, (Belyh, 2019))

-Utilize peer-reviewed systematic reviews for a general consensus

-Utilize secondary research as I cannot conduct the research on my own, (Valcheva, 2019)

1. Qualitative research: secondary research

-Collect current thoughts and beliefs for HAES.

-“Diets don’t work”

-Obesity paradox

-Lab values belief

-Current pathophysiological model on excess weight and chronic disease

-What do we currently know?

-How do these things work?

2. Quantitative research: secondary research

-Statistics supporting HAES:

-Obesity paradox

-“Diets don’t work”

-Statistics supporting obesity chronic illness correlation

-Percent risk for chronic illnesses from obesity

-Statistics showing improvements with weight loss.

-Statistics on healthcare cost, percent population of obese individuals, obesity mortality



HAES consensus on weight and disease risk.

1. Obesity paradox

2. Thin people can be unhealthy also

3. Present Supporting evidence

Discuss HAES on diets

1. “Diets don’t work”

2. Supporting evidence.

*HAES diet paradox (HAES is a diet that promises results)

Discuss HAES on lab values and health

1. Lab values indicative of health


Medical consensus on weight and disease risk.

1. Statistics on obesity (net obesity, net obesity related deaths, increase risk factor for obesity classification, healthcare costs)

2. Obesity and it’s correlation with other chronic diseases

-Top 10 diseases related to obesity

-Statistics on risk for being diagnosed with a chronic disease

– Pathophysiology of obesity on diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s, kidney disease, liver disease.

Weight loss on obesity

1. “A modest 5lb weight loss decreases risk for chronic illness substantially”

2. Weight loss on insulin resistance and diabetes control

3. Weight loss on hypertension.

Inflammation from obesity on chronic illness

1. How excess weight leads to chronic illness regardless of eating healthy.

-Insulin resistance


Weight on Pregnancy

1. Risk of gestational diabetes

2. Risk for preeclampsia

3. Risk for childhood obesity (cyclical obesity)

Lifestyle Complications:

1. Decreased mobility

2. Joint and back pain

3. Sleep apnea

4. Healthcare costs


Discuss the positive and negatives of HAES. Recommend incorporating the positive aspects and research on mental health, body positivity, and intuitive eating.


1. Valcheva, S. (2019). Primary Data vs. Secondary Data. Retrieved on September 18, 2020 from

2. Belyh, A. Overview of Qualitative And Quantitative Data Collection Methods. Retrieved on September 18, 2020 from


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Create a section for the methodological approach you feel was best suited to your question.


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