Was your colleague’s proposed assessment battery appropriate for the case they were referred to?

Topic: Reply to Brenda’s post Week 3 -Case Studies in Assessment

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Details: PSY 640 Week 3 Discussion Case Studies Assessment

Guided Response: You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful interactive discourse in this discussion. Was your colleague’s proposed assessment battery appropriate for the case they were referred to? Evaluate the instrument(s) suggested by your colleague. Would these measures provide reliable, valid, and culturally appropriate results for the given scenario? Use your research to support your assertions. What other measure(s) would you suggest your colleague use in this situation?

Brenda Walden Week 3 Post -Case Studies in Assessment

This case is regarding a 12-year-old boy who has been having difficulty in his academics, difficulty making friends due to not having anything in common with peers of his own age, and stuttering when he speaks in addition. The school has seen several episodes of the boy crying and even when he is spoken to, he remains silent. He has displayed explosive episodes of anger. His behaviors have become a concern to his mother and she is now seeking a second opinion of a previous diagnosis of nonintellectual impairment autism spectrum disorder with language impairment and childhood-onset fluency disorder (Vahabzadeh et al., n.d.).


Brandon is a 12-year-old male who is here with his mother today for a second opinion on a previous diagnosis he was given for Autism spectrum disorder, with accompanying language impairment of childhood-onset fluency disorder, without intellectual impairment (Vahabzadeh et al., n.d.).
Upon the initial interview with Brandon, he appears to be on an appropriate intellectual level and is able to understand what is being said to him and can reply to closed-ended questions, he does appear to avoid eye contact and is uncomfortable answering open-ended questions. He is able to identify objects, however, he shows little interest in most things other than his cars and airplanes which he appears to have a vast knowledge of. His knowledge of his cars and airplanes shows he is intelligent and has learning capabilities along with the ability to communicate on the subject matter, however, he does speak with a studder which can contribute to his hesitation to respond to many questions.
Upon interview with Brandon’s mother, she reports that she has observed some strange behavior, however, some of it is very similar to his father’s behavior at times. The mother also reports that her son’s teacher has noted times when Brandon becomes very emotional and cries at school and other times it has been noted that he has angry outbursts toward other children.
During the previous assessment Brandon stated that he was bullied at school and he did not like loud noises and when some of the children screamed in his ear, he would get angry.
Upon initial reassessment I agree with the initial diagnosis, however, to confirm this and establish a better degree of the disorder Brandon is suffering from the following assessments will be ordered.

Recommended tests are:

Autism checklist, a list of questions that are answered by parents, caregivers, and teachers pertaining to behaviors, responses, developmental milestones, and academic achievements. Brandon will also be assessed to observe interactions, reactions, and overall behavior (APA, DSM-5, 2014).

Devereux Early Childhood Assessment Clinical Form; Although this assessment is geared for younger children it can apply to this scenario to help look at specific behaviors of concern such as inactivity, self-control, and attachment. Because Brandon is older and appears to have gone undiagnosed for a while, this assessment can give a better perspective of where his at in regards to these behaviors (APA, DSM-5, 2014).

Differential Ability Scales-II has different levels and can assess ages 2 – 17. The multiple subtests can provide a wide perspective of cognitive abilities, how information is processed, using the g factor to evaluate special, nonverbal reasoning, and verbal.
Home: This is an observation for measurement of the environment for a wide age range from infant to middle childhood. This involves an interview with the parents/ guardians and evaluates the environments that child spends their time in and looks at a variety of stimulation, the emotional and verbal responsivity of parents, parent involvement with the child, organization of the environment, and for younger children appropriate play materials (APA, DSM-5, 2014).

Assessment of Autism Spectrum disorders: This assessment tests for a wide variety of autism related disorders including, Asperger’s, disintegrative, autism, and pervasive developmental disorders are just a few (APA, DSM-5, 2014).


Barnhill, J. W. (Ed.). (2014). DSM-5 Clinical Cases. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association.
https://dsm-psychiatryonline-org.proxy-library.ashford.edu/doi/book/10.1176/appi.books.9781585624836 (Links to an external site.)

(APA, DSM-5, 2014).

Vahabzadeh, A., Beresin, E., McDougle, C. (n.d.). Case 1.2 Temper Tantrums. Neurodevelopmental Disorders. https://doi-org.proxy-library.ashford.edu/10.1176/appi.books.9781585624836.jb01 (Links to an external site.)

(Vahabzadeh et al., n.d.).

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