English paper 1
Paper Assignment One
Total Points – 200
Thus far in Midwestern writers, we have seen that the criteria for identifying a piece of literature as “midwestern” are subject to debate, and often vary from author to author. Critics, authors, and students of the genre alike wonder which authors communicate elements in their writing that are authentically Midwestern. Many literary texts in this genre ask the question of what can be communicated about identity and how to, at times, account for inevitable miscommunication. For Paper One, you will be considering the issue of communication and/or miscommunication in one or more of the texts that we’ve discussed thus far in the class. You might consider how communication contributes to understanding more about characters in a given work, or how miscommunication harms them. You can also think about intentional miscommunication, and why it might be occurring in a literary text.
Consider communication/miscommunication as a theme in a given work and argue
what its purpose and function are.
Your paper will be graded on the following criteria:
• The presence of a clear argument throughout;
• Well-organized, specific support for that argument in the form of quotations
and paraphrases;
• A clear response to the prompt topic: communication/miscommunication;
• A focus on analysis rather than a summary.
Your paper should use a 12-point font and standard margins throughout. It should
be 3 – 4 double-spaced pages and use MLA citation for quotes and paraphrases.
Your final draft is due April 18th by midnight on Blackboard.
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