Provide a written response to the questions on page 254.

Provide a written response to the questions on page 254.

Part One

  • REQUIRED TEXT and ISBN: Text – Environmental Ethics (5th edition) By Joseph R. Desjardins [ISBN 978-1- 133-04997-5].
  • Assignment #4 – read chapter 11, discussion – Carbon Mitigation and Stabilization Wedges, pages 253-254. Provide a written response to the questions on page 254.
  • Your assignment submission should contain proper grammar, be free of spelling errors, and reflect critical thinking. Instructional Activity: Instructional video or materials and response to related questions.Subject Learning Outcome: Information Literacy, Communication, Critical and Creative Inquiry, Leadership and Collaboration.Course Outcome Supported: Student will logically organize thoughts and ideas though the use of APA format (Typed, double-spaced, font size 12 and 2 full pages.)Evidence support to be submitted: 2-page response for each assignment.

You are to present your research project to the class in a no-more-than a 10-minute presentation using PowerPoint. A minimum of eight slides (not including the title page must use attached paper Use video into the slides

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Provide a written response to the questions on page 254.


10 slides

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