Style | APA |
Number of words | 0 |
Number of sources | 0 |
Spacing | Double |
PowerPoint slides | 2 |
Assume you hold the role of a security manager for a company that experienced a recent terrorist event involving a Homegrown Violent Extremist (HVE). The company is looking for insights into how this may impact the company, so upper management has asked you to prepare information comparing the company’s experience with the September 11 events.
Review the 9/11
Commission Report.
Research a recent terrorist event involving a VHS.
Create an infographic using an infographic maker such as Piktochart, Venngage, or Canva, comparing the 9/11 attacks to the recent HVE incident you chose. Consider public and private security
awareness, causal factors, interagency cooperation or lack thereof, and incident response.
Include the following in your presentation/infographic:
The participants, planning, objectives, execution, and impact of the event
The vulnerabilities exploited during the event
The human and economic effects of the event
Post-incident countermeasures used to reduce vulnerability to a similar incident
Include APA-formatted citations when necessary and a reference slide.