Constructing an argument

Constructing an argument

Study chapter 6 pages 200-205 of your text: Constructing an Argument.
Select a topic and construct an argument using the eight steps listed on page 205 (as discussed on pages 200-205).
Make sure it meets the Guidelines for Evaluating an Argument mentioned on page 198 of your text.
*I suggest you select a topic that you have strong convictions about. You could also see this as the beginning of a persuasive essay.

STEPS FOR CONSTRUCTING AN ARGUMENT 1. Clearly state the issue in the form of a question.
2. Develop a list of premises that address the issue.
3. Eliminate weak or irrelevant premises .
4. Establish a conclusion .
5. Organize your argument .
6. Try out your argument on others.
7. Revise your argument , if necessary .

Clarity: Is the argument clear and unambiguous?
Credibility: Are the premises supported by evidence?
Relevance: Are the premises relevant to the conclusion?
Completeness: Are there any unstated premises and conclusions?
Soundness: Are the premises true and do they support the conclusion?

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