Research and submit a one-page paper summarizing your research into evil twins and other potential Wi-Fi hotspot hazards

Research and submit a one-page paper summarizing your research into evil twins and other potential Wi-Fi hotspot hazards

It is possible to inadvertently connect to an evil twin instead of the legitimate Wi-Fi hotspot you intended to connect to even if you are connected to a legitimate hotspot, and data you send unsecured via the hotspot can be intercepted by a criminal. In either case, if a thief intercepts your credit card number, website passwords, or other sensitive data, it can be used for identity theft or other criminal activities.

Wi-Fi Hotspot Safety: Research and submit a one-page paper summarizing your research into evil twins and other potential Wi-Fi hotspot hazards, including a possible precaution for each risk. Include an opinion about the precautions you would use at a hotspot, and whether or not it is possible to surf safely at a hotspot.

Save files as: (your last name first initial) CH9
Format Requirements:
Times New Roman; 12 pt. font.
You must use Microsoft Word; 1’ Margins
1.5-line spacing.
Your name and assignment due date must be on all assignments.
Assignment Due Date: Each week has a specific date, check under the Modules (no late assignments will be accepted). When the assignment is completed it will be turned in through WebCampus under Modules and related assignment.
Write a one-page paper (400 hundred words & TWO MLA Citation) in your own words.

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Research and submit a one-page paper summarizing your research into evil twins and other potential Wi-Fi hotspot hazards


440 words


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