Describe at least one non-evidence-based treatment option as an alternative to evidence-based treatment in this case.

Topic: PSY 645 Reply Brenda’s post Week 5 Evidence and Non-Evidence Based Treatment

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Topic: PSY 645 Reply Brenda’s post Week 5 Evidence and Non-Evidence Based Treatment

Details: Examine your colleague’s initial post, and assume the proposed evidence-based treatment was ineffective. Using a sociocultural perspective, provide an explanation for why the evidence-based treatment may have been ineffective in this case. Describe at least one non-evidence-based treatment option as an alternative to evidence-based treatment in this case. Compare and contrast the failed evidence-based treatment with the proposed non-evidence-based treatment option. Justify the use of the proposed non-evidence-based treatment option for this patient (i.e., How does this treatment option meet the patient’s unique socio-cultural needs?).
Brenda Walden Post


Ivan S. is a veteran of the Iraq War where he serves two tours. He is from Arizona where he grew up on the Navaho Reservation. He enlisted in the military at 20 years old and served until he was 26.
Upon return of his first tour, his wife and family noticed a change in his personality. He had become angry and didn’t seem to be ale to control his anger and there were frequent verbal fights with his wife and kids.

Ivan was deployed to Iraq for a second time, upon his return, his anger was worse, he was aggressive and became physical abusive to his wife and kids. He suffered from night terrors and would wake up drenched in sweat. He tried to maintain a stoic persona but was far from that at home behind closed doors.

Ivan finally went to the VA hospital for treatment. He underwent psychopharmacological treatment and therapy with no success. Despite his treatment, Ivan’s symptoms continued to progress as he began to drink and have run-in with the law.

1. Provisional Diagnosis: PTSD with anxiety.

According to the DSM-5 Adam fits the following criteria for PTSD.
Directly experienced a traumatic event.
Personally, witnessed events that occurred to others.
Repeated or extreme exposure to traumatic events.
1. Recurring, distressing dreams.
2. Irritably behavior, angry outbursts with little to no provocation through physical and verbal aggression.
Some consideration must also be given to cultural differences given his Native American cultures. Most Native American tribes have different beliefs in spirituality and healing and tend to be very ritualistic in nature.
I still feel he has PTSD, however, modern psychological treatment may not benefit him.
According to research veterans who served post 9/11 in the Iraq war have been shown to be at higher risk of developing PTSD (Sciarrino et al., 2021). Prolonged exposure (PE) therapy and Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) have proven to be the most successful types of treatment (Sciarrino et al., 2021). However, for the majority of veterans who suffer from PTSD Trauma-focused therapy has been proven to be successful in the treatment of PTSD and PTSD with SUD. Although it is successful there is a risk of causing relapse in veterans who were in active combat situations. It has been suggested to avoid relapse that clients are given stabilizing treatment prior to the TFT. Studies have shown treatment with Prolonged exposure (PE) and or Cognitive Processing Therapy. (CPT) will help prepare them for the TFT. (Wiedeman et al., 2020).

Sciarrino, N., Bartlett, B., Smith, L., Martin, C., Williams, W. (2021). Factors Contributing to PTSD Treatment Dropout in Veterans Returning from the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan: A Systematic Review. Psychological Services.

Wiedeman, L., Hannan, S., Maieritsch, K., Robinson, C., Bartoszek, G. (2020). Treatment Choice Among Veterans with PTSD Symptoms and Substance-Related Problems: Examining the Role of Preparatory Treatments in Trauma-Focused Therapy. Psychological Services. 17(4).

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