What are you hoping to challenge/learn by exploring this social category?


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Surface Your Assumptions: 15 points

Be sure to read this assignment and write your paragraphs and list your assumptions that the dominant culture in the United States has for the target members (the disadvantaged or oppressed). Stay focused on the target members of your selected identify category. You will need to create a document and submit it here.

Write a Short Explanation

To begin, write a brief explanation as to why you chose the social category that you did. Remember, you are choosing a category in which you have the privilege as an agent member. What are you hoping to challenge/learn by exploring this social category? After you write this add the list of 21 assumptions to your document.

Create and write out your list of 21 Assumptions about TARGET members of the identity category you have chosen to explore

Then, brainstorm your current assumptions, stereotypes, beliefs, and images of target members of your chosen social category. Push yourself. Be as honest and open as you can with this section—it will be a valuable resource when you synthesize your discoveries in the final section. If you want, you can list things you used to think or that society tells you to think, but you might want to indicate in some way that you don’t currently think those things anymore. There’s no judgment here or shame, the point is to surface your own judgments about the target group members.

This is your present thinking or feeling in this social category. You should write about one-two paragraphs explaining why you choose to explore this one category and then include a list of at least twenty assumptions/stereotypes that you have or that you have heard or hear regularly about the target members of this group.

If you are still not sure of what this assignment is watch this video and it may explain in more detail. Download the full assignment above and don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of the page. here

One of the Categories that some of you are choosing the Gender (where Males in our U.S. Dominant culture have privilege) watch these two films on Gender that show how Gender is represented in our culture. You really only have to watch the first 20 minutes of each film to be able to pass the quiz or more clearly understand the beginning of the impact of the hegemonic process and Gender but you may choose to watch the full film.

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What are you hoping to challenge/learn by exploring this social category

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