In this exercise, you will review your informative evaluation summary and convert it to a short persuasive email.

Brief Direct Persuasive Email

Day-to-day business often demands a brief email to deliver a recommendation. In this exercise, you will review your informative evaluation summary and convert it to a short persuasive email.


Marco Acosta stops by your office on his way to the airport. He asks you to email him with a recommendation for a course of action for Tyler Olsen. You could make any number of recommendations. Remembering that any positive working culture wants to maximize employee potential and reduce costly turnover, you want to recommend an action that benefits Tyler, the department, and the company, Young Legacy. Examples of recommendations include but are not limited to the following:
• Passing him over for a promotion at this time
• Giving him (some kind of) training
• Assigning him a mentor
• Transferring him to the ________department.
Email Contents
• Introduction (persuasive)
• Three parallel bullet points that support your specific recommendation
• Completepersuasive conclusion with contact info or URLs he will need to carry out your recommendation
Your email should contain all of the elements of an email:
• To/From/Date/Subject
• Salutation
• Signature
Purpose: To give Marco a recommendation and supporting evidence
Page Limit: Under a page
Format: Email

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In this exercise you will review your informative evaluation summary and convert it to a short persuasive email.


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