Reflection on the HR Trends
Style | APA |
Number of words | 1165 |
Number of sources | 0 |
Spacing | Double |
PowerPoint slides | 0 |
HR Trends
There are total 6 short articles on:
• At the bottom of the link page there are 5 buttons that will open for the next article:
1. Shaping the workforce of the future
2. Future of HR 2020: Key insights
3. Shaping a purpose-led culture
4. Shaping workforce insights through Data
5. Shaping the employee experience
• The 6th article: The Future of HR 202: Which path are you taking is also attached below
Please click on each button and read the attached and answer the following question for each article. 200 – 250 words for each article
• How have you experienced, or seen, the changes noted in the KPMG slide presentation attached?
• What do you think about how this trend needs to be addressed? You may draw on what you have read or experienced.