Health & Medical Question
Style | APA |
Number of words | 581 |
Number of sources | 0 |
Spacing | Double |
PowerPoint slides | 0 |
PenClick for more options Module 04 Assignment – Conflict with Patients and Role of Customer Service
Conflict with patients can occur and excellent customer service will be an essential part of the resolution process. In 1-2 pages, discuss the following aspects and concepts associated with customer service that would be utilized to resolve this patient scenario:
You are following up with a patient to review his treatment plan after the medical doctor just saw him. The patient states to you that he’s upset and doesn’t want to see that medical doctor anymore and will not pursue any of the doctor’s recommendations.
Please discuss the following aspects and concepts in 1-2 pages:
Identify two possible factors that could have contributed to this patient scenario conflict and briefly explain how it could have. For example, the patient may have a hearing impairment and didn’t hear the doctor correctly.
How you would assist in resolving this patient conflict and what customer service tools, techniques, and skills you would utilize.
Why providing excellent customer service for this patient conflict is important for the patient and healthcare organization.
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