Data Obfuscation, Redaction & Tokenization
Discuss in 500 words, how much redaction is necessary to anonymize an electronic health record. Is it enough to redact the name? The name and address? Is a medical record like a finger print?
Cite your sources. Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format.
Hi i have a reference material and topics for this discussion.
Chapter 6 in the text: Masking Sensitive Data And short videos
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Data Redaction in Healthcare
While the use of information technology in contemporary industries has resulted in improved ease of access and management of information, it has also opened up the different sectors to security vulnerabilities that were previously non-existent. For instance, information stored on different users of a particular service now has to be analyzed to determine the vulnerability and potential challenges associated with storage of such information for the consumers. Ultimately, cyber security threats have prompted the development of innovative measures to reduce the risks associated with sharing of personal data. In particular, redaction is one of the key measures used to protect data in different sectors,
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