develop a project plan to test the backups of production systems.
Excercise 8.2 Project Strategies
1. As a part of the disaster recovery planning at a medium sized business, you have been asked to develop a project plan to test the backups of production systems
2. Develop an outline of the project plan for the testing.
(Number 1 One Page), (Number Two 1 Page)
Need to have 2 APA citations, 2-3 APA references, all references (peer-reviewed) mostly must be cited appropriately within the text and clearly avoid plagiarism. Needs to have 1.5 spacing and Times New Roman font. A minimum of 5 peer review references must be provided. Reference style is APA. You can also have some web references alongside the stated requirement.
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Question 1
Disasters are normal in the context of any business whether natural or contributed by man and they might have a negative implication on the organization if not dealt with on time. This is therefore the main reason as to why most businesses establish recovery plans whose main aim is to create approaches which will deal with any losses emerging from operations. Creating these backups is important for the achievement of business objectives as it ensures that all vulnerabilities and malfunctions are brought to the attention of management and solve as soon as possible (Bradbury, 2008).. A project plan is one of the most important documents which should be developed to test if the backups are effective enough.
(656 words)