discuss paper

discuss paper

The topics for the discussion paper are as follows:

  1. Open border for countries in the world
  2. Separatism and fracturing of countries in Europe and relations with EuropeanUnion
  3. Outsourcing and its influences on people and places
  4. Population control and its impacts on sex ratio (males per thousand females)
  5. Tourism industry and its effects on countries and people

You are expected to write only 2 separate discussion papers from the above mentioned topics

Total Points: 30 points (15 points each) [Rubric:

  1. What does the topic mean/imply? What are the factors that facilitate it? 3 points.
  2. Explain Four Advantages: 4 points. (Give examples)
  3. Explain Four Disadvantages: 4 points. (Give examples)
  4. Your opinion of the topic and what factors influenced your opinion: 4 points.(Explain why)

TOTAL POINTS: 3 + 4+ 4+ 4 = 15]

PLEASE NOTE: if you do not clearly demarcate sections points will be deducted. All sections need to be answered.

Submission Date: 4 MARCH, 2019

Please make sure your paper clearly highlights 4 points favoring the topic you select, 4 points against the topic and a final paragraph clearly stating your opinion of the topic. The arguments that you provide need to be exclusive and explained with examples.

Your point of view must be clearly explained. Originality is appreciated and plagiarism of any sort will be penalized. PLEASE DO NOT WRITE JUST A SENTENCE OR PART OF A SENTENCE FOR EACH POINT. Please try to explain why you have chosen the point and use examples to explain your line of thought.

Please use scholarly journals and do not copy paste from them but cite them properly. Extract the central thought from them and write in your own words.

 You must refer to scholarly journals for the write up. At least 2 such journals need to be incorporated. Please ensure that you cite the journals accurately. MLA or APA style can be used.

https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01… ; http://bcs.bedfordstmartins.com/resdoc5e/RES5e_ch0…

What is a scholarly journal:


Submission guidelines: The assignment must be submitted by the due date ONLINE IN CANVAS with a clearly legible font type and size. (Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri with Font size 12)

Atleast 750 words for each topic that you select.
Please make sure that you write your name and the topic that you have

If you need clarifications please see me or e-mail me before the due date.


Solution Preview

Open Border for Countries in the World

In the debates that have been going on around the world on immigration, world leaders make them sound as though they are all criminals. For instance, the current United States president, Donald Trump is calling for bans of Muslims in the nation. He has also been calling for building a wall at the Mexican border. Foreign countries interacting with one another yields real fruits and all states involved benefit from one another. This paper will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of an open border for countries in the world, to shed light into the debate.

Firstly, open borders create an opportunity for developing countries to experience global benefits (Aarseth et al, 2017).

(835 words)

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