Discussion #8
What new and innovative mechanisms, laws, or practices could corporate America put in place to address the corporate misconduct that we often find in the news? Can you think of any protective practices that the corporation could include to better protect against deceptive and destructive business practices of bad corporate officers?
Book reference:
Ashcroft, J. D., Ashcroft, K. M., & Patterson, M. A. (2014). Law for Business (18 ed.). Mason, OH: South Western, Cengage Learning.
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Discussion 8
What new and innovative mechanisms, laws, or practices could corporate America put in place to address the corporate misconduct that we often find in the news?
Over the years, there have been numerous corporate scandals in the United States, which have compromised the well-being of American residents. Among the major corporate scandals in the U.S. include Equifax’s data breaches and the Wells Fargo’s fake accounts scandal. The U.S. government has implemented several mechanisms to prevent the occurrence of these scandals. Nonetheless, they still occur, hence implying new innovative mechanisms and laws approaches are needed to deal with the corporate misconduct.
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