Discussion-social Media and You

Discussion-social Media and You

Select three of the following questions to answer in-depth. Be sure to relate your responses to course content.

  1. According to the cultivation theory, television can shape our perceptions of reality. Can you think of any TV shows or genres that have influenced your beliefs or attitudes? How do you think social media has further impacted the cultivation process? Explain.
  2. Share an example of how you have personally observed social learning theory in action on social media. How did observing others’ behaviors or experiences influence your own thoughts or actions?
  3. Discuss a recent news story or event that you believe highlights the agenda-setting theory in action. How did the media influence the public’s perception or attention toward that particular issue?
  4. Confirmation bias refers to the tendency to seek out information that confirms our existing beliefs. Can you think of a time when you experienced confirmation bias on social media? How did it affect your perspective and interactions with others? 
  5. In what ways do social media platforms contribute to the spread of misinformation and fake news? How can individuals navigate and critically evaluate the information they encounter on social media?
  6. Share an example from popular culture, such as a movie, TV show, book, or song, that reflects the influence or impact of social media on society. How does it depict the evolving role of social media in our lives?
  7. Explore the concept of schemas and their influence on our perceptions. Can you provide an example of how schemas have shaped your understanding of a particular situation or person?
  8. Which social media platform do you use the most, and why? Share your experiences and discuss how it influences your daily life.

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