EBP Mini-Proposal 

 EBP Mini-Proposal 

Assignment Title: Presentation
Step 5 for your Evidence-Based Practice Mini-Project (Research Proposal)
Assignment Overview:
Since your EBP proposal is now complete, combine Parts 1, 2, and 3 into one complete EBP Mini-Proposal, including a Title Page and References. Using your work, create a Power Point Presentation from your EBP Mini-Proposal. There is a rubric related to your EBP Mini-Proposal and Power Point Presentation. The EBP mini-proposal would serve as a handout were you to present your EBP Mini-Proposal to an IRB Nursing Research Council.
The final copy of your 3 parts of your EBP Mini-Proposal project, along with PowerPoint from your
EBP Mini-Proposal, is due by Sunday at 11:59pm, which is the end of Week 5. Be sure to use the file
naming protocol:
Assignment Details:
Part 1: Compile the 3 parts of your EBP Mini-Proposal into a single paper along with a title page and references.
Part 2: Develop a Power Point Presentation from your EBP Mini-Proposal that you would use to make a presentation to an IRB Nursing Research Council, explaining your study and what you would like to do. Explain how your study will improve outcomes of care. Use no more than 12 power points or your presentation.
Grading: Your EBP Mini-Proposal and Power Point Presentation will be graded as a unit.

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