Effects of Facebook
Please write two pages on the social media you selected to do your research. Answer the following question….
To what extent is it harmful or helpful? Make sure you begin your essay by giving some background material on who, when and how this social media was born. Include where you found this information. MAKE SURE YOU USE YOUR OWN WORDS. This should only be one paragraph. Then write your answer to my question and take a position. Give one or two reasons for your beliefs. Interview three different people and try to include some of their opinions and your analysis for this short assignment.
READ: Jacob Burak, “Escape from the Matrix” Find 2 quotations to discuss.
Solution PreviewFacebook is a social networking site that enables individuals to easily share and connect with friends and family online. While designing the website in 2004, Mark Zuckerberg targeted college students. However, this ended up not being the case as by 2006 as anyone over the age of 13 years who had a valid email address could join it. Today….
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