Episodic Depressions

Episodic Depressions

This assignment is based on the facts provided in Case 3.4: Episodic Depressions from the DSM-5-TR Clinical Cases book.
Six months have passed since meeting with Mrs. Pamela Kershaw, and this morning you find
Mr. Kershaw alone sitting in your office. “She attempted suicide over the weekend,” he tells
you.  Mr. Kershaw goes on to explain his wife had stopped taking her medication about five
months ago and slowly started showing signs of depression again. “We got into some horrible
arguments over it!” I kept telling her she had to take her medication; if not for herself, do it
for us, for our marriage! …When I came home from work the other night, she was passed out

on the couch. I couldn’t wake her up. She had swallowed all her medication at one time.” Mr.
Kershaw called an ambulance; Mrs. Kershaw’s stomach was pumped at the ER, and she is
currently under involuntary psychiatric hospitalization. “I tried to visit her last night, but she
refused to see me.” At this time Mr. Kershaw became emotional and wept. You allow him the
time to experience these emotions. He then looks up at you and says, “I don’t think I can stay
in this marriage anymore. I think I need to end things with Pamela. Am I a horrible person for
saying this? …What should I do?”
Following your initial interview with Mr. Kershaw, you have diagnosed him with an
adjustment disorder with depressed mood (F43.24).  Write a treatment plan. Refer to “The
Case Study for Larry J.” from the previous reading in Module 1 as an example. Use the
following template:
I. History & Demographic Factors:
II. Presenting Concern: (F43.24)
III. Perceived Strengths:
IV. Treatment Provider:
V. Treatment Goal: 
VI.  Treatment Objectives:
VII. Treatment Interventions:
IIX. Treatment Frequency & Modality:
IX. References Used

Discussion Question
Identify a resource for Mr. Kershaw, such as a book,
that might be helpful for him to appreciate the challenges associated with caring for a family member diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Providing a complete reference in the correct APA format is all that is required for this task.

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