Reply to Aaron Walker AshCL9WK2D1-2
Style | APA |
Number of words | 349 |
Number of sources | 2 |
Spacing | Double |
PowerPoint slides | 0 |
Details: Please view Colleague Aaron Walker’s post to week 2 discussion 1post. (Colleague Aaron Walker’s week 2 discussion 1 post is attached). Please provide a response to Colleague Aaron Walker post following the below instructions:
Which of the assessment instruments presented by your classmate demonstrates the strongest validity, and which (if any) do not show strong validity for the age group being discussed? Were there appropriate age, socioeconomic, language, and/or cultural considerations your classmate did not mention but should have been included in her or his initial post? What ethical consideration(s), in addition to those mentioned by your classmate, might you recommend be included? Provide a rationale for the inclusion of these considerations. Use information from the required resources as well as any other appropriate peer-reviewed articles to support your statements.
Reply to Aaron Walker AshCL9WK2D1 (1)