Explain the ethical issue you picked and use the theory you picked to evaluate the issue using the principles

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#2 Ethics in ActioThe #2 Ethics in Action forum will focus on ethical egoism and utilitarianism. This forum is worth 75 points. Review the grading rubric before you participate in this forum – Ethics In Action Rubric_v1.pdf
The #2 Ethics in Action forum will focus on ethical egoism and utilitarianism. This forum is worth 75 points. Review the grading rubric before you participate in this forum – Ethics In Action Rubric_v1.pdf.

In the past couple of weeks, we have covered several ethical theories. This week we are going to put “ethics in action.” I believe that the best way to learn is by taking an active part in your learning, so you are going to do some research. In addition, ethics is not only a set of theories to be learned, but the foundation by which real people make real moral decisions about tough ethical and moral issues, so you will also look for examples of ethical and moral issues and apply what you learned to these issues.

Step #1 – Study the theory:

The first task is to conduct research on ethical egoism and utilitarianism (PICK ONE THEORY) and contribute quality information to this forum about one of the ethical theories. Step #1 should be at least one paragraph and the link to your research content (This section is worth 25 points)

Give a good summary of the content you found in your research, why you think it is helpful for other students interested in this theory, and post the link so other students can review the source.
Examples of the type of content I am looking for: web articles, YouTube videos, journal articles. It is important to find credible sources. Here is a link to a video on finding credible sources.

Step #2 – Apply the theory:

The second task is to find an example of an ethical issue from social media, politics, business, health and legal fields, work, and/or school and analyze it from the perspective of the theory you picked in step #1. Step #2 should be one to two paragraphs and thoroughly cover the issue from the perspective of the theory. The Perspective is a good website to find ethical issues that are current and trending (https://www.theperspective.com/) (Worth 25 points)

Explain the ethical issue you picked and use the theory you picked to evaluate the issue using the principles, strengths, and weaknesses of the theory. You can also use an example from your life, but please do not mention names or give away the identity of the persons involved. Post a link to the article if appropriate.
For example, if you picked ethical egoism, you would need to use the principles of that theory to analyze a moral issue such as lying on your resume to get a job or using utilitarian ethics, is it okay to kill thousands of people if millions or billions would be saved? Here is a link to an interesting website about Hiroshima and Nagasaki – https://www.theperspective.com/subjective-timeline/living/the-bombing-of-hiroshima-nagasaki/

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Explain the ethical issue you picked and use the theory you picked to evaluate the issue using the principles


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