Topic: Reply to Colleague Matthew Quist post AshCL8WK2D1-1
Style | APA |
Number of words | 702 |
Number of sources | 2 |
Spacing | Double |
PowerPoint slides | 0 |
Details: Please read Colleague Matthew Quist post to week 2 discussion 1 (Colleague Matthew Quist post to week 2 discussion 1 post is attached). Please provide a reply to Colleague Matthew Quist post answering the following questions:
After reading your colleague’s null and research hypotheses, do you feel that these accurately respond to the scenario? Please provide a rationale for your agreement or disagreement. Evaluate your colleague’s proposed research design and explain whether or not you agree with the research design chosen to provide a brief rationale for your opinion citing the resources as necessary. What potential threats to internal validity do you see that your colleague has not identified? Consider the ethical implications your colleague has described and identify any other potential threats to external validity your colleague has not mentioned. Recommend potential solutions to the areas of both internal and external validity in the research design proposed by your colleague.