field of psychology development, from the early philosophers up to the latest contributors to the field

field of psychology development, from the early philosophers up to the latest contributors to the field

Describe how you believe the field of psychology has developed, from the early philosophers up to and including the latest contributors to the field. Describe key transitions leading to the creation of psychology as a science and the person or person responsible for those transitions and how their work led to those transitions.

four (4) or more references

APA 8 or more pages in length (not counting the abstract or reference pages), double-spaced and prepared in proper APA style, to include an abstract, body, conclusion, and references. All citations should be presented in proper APA style.




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Psychology, which focuses on the study of both the person’s behavior as well as his or her mind, has continued to evolve with the passing time. This particular field of study can be said to have originated in the 19th century. However, the origins of this field of study go back to the era before Christ at the time that the Greek philosophers, Plato and Aristotle existed. A good many philosophers have contributed to this field of study with many offering arguments that would later be used in modern psychology.

(3,107 words)

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