Fluid Balance

Fluid Balance

A fluid imbalance can have an adverse reaction on the entire body systems, including the system that i responsible for gaseous exchange, and that’s the respiratory system. Many studies have shown that daily fluid balance is a predictor of outcome in critically ill patients, and patients with other health issues. This could be COPD, CHF, kidney issues and others. These studies have shown that if a patient has a positive fluid balance that it contributes to increased mortality in those patients. When overload happens the fluid from intravascular goes to the interstitial space which then causes edema to happen within the respiratory system, known as pulmonary edema. This happens when the alveoli are overloaded with excessive fluids which cause pulmonary edema and now the gaseous exchange is compromised the alveoli. “These effects lead to the inability of the alveoli to absorb oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. The alveoli and the lungs’ inability to function well leads to impaired gaseous exchange.”
Fernandes, C. J., Assad, A. P. L., Alves-Jr, J. L., Jardim, C., & de Souza, R. (2019). Pulmonary embolism

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