Freud’s life and psychoanalytical theory

Freud’s life and psychoanalytical theory

This is a graded exercise. Please make sure to follow the instructions carefully, as an evaluator will be giving you feedback on your submission. You must submit your paper as a file.

In a short paper, explore Freud’s life and psychoanalytical theory and address the following:

Consider the way in which his life contributed to his worldview and the development of his theory, and discuss that connection in detail.
Provide at least three examples that clearly link his life experiences with elements of psychoanalytical theory.
Describe elements of his theory that you see used today.
Your paper should be 1-2 pages in length, double-spaced, and written in APA format. Include at least three outside resources and be sure to cite them accordingly.




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Freud was the firstborn of a Jewish family with three boys and five girls. He was the favorite child of his mother amongst the seven children and was commonly referred to as the golden child. He had intellectual talents, and his parents did all they could to support and encourage him.

(484 words)

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