Need a lesson plan done
Style | APA |
Number of words | 570 |
Number of sources | 0 |
Spacing | Double |
PowerPoint slides | 0 |
Assignment Content
Chose 2 different writing genres to present to your class. Find an example of each in a book, an article, a short story, or other written format.
Create an interdisciplinary lesson plan incorporating social studies with your 2 chosen genre examples for the grade level of the students in your clinical experience.
Use ideas from this week’s readings and multimedia.
Include the following in the lesson plan:
How each genre example applies to the content area
The purpose of each genre example
Specific content area(s), using academic language from that discipline at an accessible level for your learners
Activities for reading, writing, speaking and listening
Vocabulary development activities
Global learning and/or digital citizenship activity
Select media or technology that aligns with the content area(s)
Materials, resources, or supports needed
Differentiation strategies
The end product that students create (e.g., a model, drawing/painting, or project)