Comprehensive set of clear definitions, examples, and resources for the disciplinary knowledge associated with language learning as it relates to phonological and orthographic systems. You are responsible for knowing all of the concepts/words in italics and the language systems that are discussed in the WM chapters and our course readings. To get started, create a Google doc that has four columns. Examples of an A are posted below. Required words: phonological system orthographic system syntactic system semantic system phonics phonological awareness phonemic awareness morpheme morphemic analysis word study You should have at least 20 terms in addition to the required terms listed above Have very clear, well-written definitions with 3 examples per item as appropriate. Have professional resources for half of the words. This may be resources from your texts, online videos that are of high quality, or website with authoritative and accurate information (not wacky stuff that just says ‘research says”). When in doubt, send me the link. There are many resources online that have inaccurate information. Make sure it is linguistically solid. The website ReadWriteThink is a great resource. You could also find professional articles in the journal The Reading Teacher and then put the article title and link in your glossary under “Resources.” You will need to use the databases at the T WU website, like Academic Search Complete to acquire those articles and link them to your glossary.
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