FIN310 Forum & Reflection
Style | APA |
Number of words | 305 |
Number of sources | 0 |
Spacing | Double |
PowerPoint slides | 0 |
I’m studying for my Accounting class and need an explanation.
Part 1: Discuss and differentiate the following. Please use examples to demonstrate your understanding. Some materials are beyond the textbook’s scope and please use Google to research if needed.
Corporate Bonds
Muni Bonds
Convertible bonds
Equity-linked notes
Part 2:
Reflect on the information you read during this week, the discussions you participated in, and your current event assignment. You must also give an example of how a topic we covered during this week applies to a real-world scenario in either your professional or personal life. There is a 100-word requirement for this assignment. Please use the Refection template under the “Getting Started” folder.
Please notes that the Reflection Template applies to all weekly forums – point reductions may apply if the Template is not followed.