Three (3) slides explaining what a psychoactive drug is, how it affects the brain or any material you find related to what these drugs do in the body chemically/physiologically

Three (3) slides explaining what a psychoactive drug is, how it affects the brain or any material you find related to what these drugs do in the body chemically/physiologically

Final breakdown of work and who is responsible for which part

Jessica Hernandez posted Jan
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• The following group was approved by Dr. Trede: Jessica Hernandez, Tara Mcnulty, Chad Workman, Zina Antolin, and Eileen Stebbins. The breakdown is below this section.

As for the assignment, I will take lead, spots have been assigned as follows (in the order in which they were requested):

#2 Chad, #4 Tara, #5 Eileen so that leaves #3 for Zina (Hope this is ok!)
If no one has any objections we will use the Parallax theme in PowerPoint.
The project is due at the end of Mod/Week 7. Why don’t we aim to touch base each Monday evening to see where we are. I should be able to make a living document that we all have access to so you can add your slides to the master document. Once I have this done I will post it in the group discussion board. Don’t worry about where you place your slides in the master doc as I will organize everything once we all have our parts completed. Please make sure to put your name in the notes of each slide you do, along with citations for content and images. If you have questions on how to use PP I will be happy to try to help. I look forward to working with you all!


Class: HUS 4442 – Substance Abuse and the Family
Group Project Topic: Identify the major health risks and health consequences of psychoactive prescription drugs
Type of Project: PowerPoint Requirements: 10-minute presentation that must include:
APA formatting for all citations and references throughout the presentation. This includes in-text citations, graphics/images, reference slides).
Title Slide (include title, members, and due date)

15 Slides with Content:

Slides must include content from no less than 5 scholarly sources. References may not be older than 5 years (2018 and newer). Of the 5 references no more than 2 may be internet web pages.
Reference Slide(s)
PowerPoint Theme: In order to build a cohesive presentation I suggest that we agree on a theme for the project.
To see each theme please go into PP, choose Blank Presentation, and Click to add the title slide. Go to the Design Tab. Click on themes. Just for ease, I suggest we vote on one of the following themes: Gallery, Parallax, Damask or Savon
Let me know if you have problems locating the themes.
Must be included:
A title slide
Goals and Objectives of the presentation


Body of the presentation
Minimum of 3 appropriate graphics or images, within slide citations.
Summary slide(s)
Reference slide(s)
Name of each team member must be listed on the slide they complete (in the notes section).
Bulleted points on slides with further breakdowns in the notes section of each slide.
Each slide must have citations and references either in the slide or in the notes section.

Work Breakdown:

Peer #1/Leader: Title Slide, Introduction Slide, Conclusion Slide, Reference Slides and will be responsible for putting everything together, final proofreading, and submitting the final presentation. Please include at least one graphic within your three slides. Don’t forget to cite it in the notes section.
Peer #2: Three (3) slides explaining what a psychoactive drug is, how it affects the brain or any material you find related to what these drugs do in the body chemically/physiologically, like how drugs affect levels of serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, etc., in the body. Please include at least one graphic within your three slides. Don’t forget to cite it in the notes section.
Peer #3: Three (3) slides listing the different categories (ex: stimulants, depressants, narcotics… etc.) of prescription psychoactive drugs and what conditions (ex: ADHD, schizophrenia, depression, etc.) they are used to treat. You could differentiate between adults and children if you want. Please include at least one graphic within your three slides. Don’t forget to cite it in the notes section.
Peer #4: Three (3) slides explaining the major health risks, complications and likelihood of addiction for each class of psychoactive drugs. You could include both prescription drugs and non-prescription drugs such as alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine….etc. Please include at least one graphic within your three slides. Don’t forget to cite it in the notes section.
Peer #5: Three (3) slides listing how people can recover from addictions, such as hypnotherapy, talk therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy through Inpatient (rehab) or Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP) etc. Possibly list recovery programs and how they work (Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anon, Tobacco Free Florida…etc.), including costs and responsibilities to the programs. Links to any organizations would be good too. Please include at least one graphic within your three slides. Don’t forget to cite it in the notes section.
Please review the tasks above and respond with your 1st and 2nd choices for the task and your choice for the theme. I choose a leader and any of the themes are fine with me.
Tasks will be assigned first come first serve and the theme will be majority rule.

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Three (3) slides explaining what a psychoactive drug is how it affects the brain or any material you find related to what these drugs do in the body chemically/physiologically


4 slides

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