What does the evidence say about this group and their teaching needs
NSG 420 – Teaching Project Guidelines
Attachment 2
1. Locate a community group & assess the teaching needs week 2 & 3.
2. The team must schedule the date before week 4 via email TP with clinical instructor who needs to be present to evaluate the teaching & copy poc at site on email with the date and time.
3. All TP observed by clinical field day 4-6. Outline format for TP.
4. Submit outline below to the clinical instructor at least 5 days prior to the presentation via TurnItIn& Moodle icons. Teaching support aids (ppt, handouts, and video) send via email 5 days ahead for preview. After that time it is late = zero grade.
Teaching Project Outline Format
Student Name: Date: Site:
1. Assessment of Needs and Rationales (30%)
a. Group/Aggregate description (10% = 4 x 2.5% each)
i. What is the health teaching need-
ii. Who identified the need-
iii. How was the need identified-
iv. What does the evidence say about this group and their teaching needs (application of evidence based practice- cite research)-
b. Assessment of readiness (There may be possible constraints in assessing this area due to limited group availability or the setting). (10% = 5 x 2% each)
i. Readiness-
ii. Motivation-
iii. Experiential background (previous teaching?)-
iv. Current status (age intellectual level and/or educational level, etc)-
v. Interest and actual and/or potential barriers to learning-
c. Two Community/Group Diagnoses (10% = 2 x 5% each)-
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