Prepare an expository essay (no more than 2 pages) about the role of the nurse practitioner as a health educator.

Role of the Nurse Practitioner as a Health Educator

Details: Prepare an expository essay (no more than 2 pages) about the role of the nurse practitioner as a health educator.
Use the A.P.A. style and send it via Blackboard for evaluation. Your essay must have at least three bibliographic references. Avoid plagiarism by submitting your work to Safeassign.

Links to publications and articles on the Web where the student can expand general information about the module:

Topic: Health Promotion Models

Topic: Nursing Theories, Models, & Philosophies
Topic: Historical Origins of Health Belief Model
Topic: Transtheoretical Model of Behaviors Change

Topic: Theory of Planned Behavior

Topic: Health Promotion Models
Topic: The Cognitive Model

Topic: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Topic: The Role of Nurses in Community Awareness and Preventive Health

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Prepare an expository essay (no more than 2 pages) about the role of the nurse practitioner as a health educator.


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