How does the public view the value of accreditation?

How does the public view the value of accreditation?

Discussion Forum:


Define and describe how accreditation is impacting healthcare quality. What are the differences in accreditation for distinct types of entities, such as nursing homes, hospitals, urgent care centers, and various specialty clinics? How does the public view the value of accreditation?

Submission Requirements:

The initial post must be (250-300 words), use 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly academic sources to support your statements with logic and argument, and cite all sources referenced.
Below respond to the two peers attached below. Must be 80-100 words per peer response, include a reference per response.
because I made a mistake with the time, the discussion forum is due in an hour
hello for the discussion forum, is it possible that you can turn this into me within an hour?



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How does the public view the value of accreditation


286 words

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