Healthcare Administration Capstone

Healthcare Administration Capstone

Topic: Improving Healthcare Access in Underserved Communities through Community Healthcare
Details: MHA Unit 6: Writing Assignment

Guidelines for the Capstone Research Paper
The Capstone Research Project Paper is a critical analysis of an issue relevant to the role of the
health administrator. In this analytical research paper, students will complete research to become 21 enmeshed in a topic so that they may
restructure and present the multi-faceted views and knowledge of the topic from their own perspective.
1. Students are to complete an analytical research paper of publishable quality focusing on either a current systems issue, a clinical issue, an organizational issue, or a policy issue in healthcare. Your topic should be about something in healthcare that you would like to research. It can be about a problem that you have noticed at your job that you would like to
resolve. Is there a process that can be improved? What do you recommend? Can you think of
a current healthcare topic in the news for which you can offer solutions? Select your topic
carefully, making sure that it can be covered in the 8-10 pages of this paper using the section
headings for this research paper. (This is the format used for a thesis or dissertation.)
2. Students must get approval of their research topic selection from the course instructor PRIOR
to beginning the project. This will be accomplished by the submission of a 1-2-page outline
by Week 3 of the course. The outline will follow appropriate APA format, including an
appropriate title page and a properly formatted reference page. The outline and final project
paper will be submitted through Turnitin from the Canvas link.
3. A title should be selected for the paper that is reflective of the selected issue. The final project
paper should be a minimum of eight pages in length, not to exceed 10 pages, excluding the
title and reference pages. The paper will follow appropriate APA format, including an appropriate title page and a properly formatted reference page. Page margins should be 1 inch all around. Acceptable fonts are 12 pt. Times Roman, Arial, or Calibri. No abstract is required.
4. Students must use the following section headings for this paper.
Identification of the issue–This section of the paper will identify the issue and any influence
factors. It should also address why this issue should be researched.
Background–Students will use this section of the paper to build the foundation for the project. It
should include a discussion of the current status of the issue or trend. Both the status of the issue
for the student’s current state as well as the current national status of the issue should be addressed. The final component of this section should address the current impact of this issue on
the role of the health administrator.
Problem Analysis/Literature Review–The problem analysis is based on a critical review of
published literature; the theories typically used to frame research on the subject area, knowledge
available, and research methods used with what degree of success. Select at least five research studies from peer reviewed journals in the field that relate to the topic issue. Students will
discuss current research findings related to the issue. The discussion should be more than a
summary of the articles. It should be a critical analysis of the research. This review should
provide support for the selection of the current issue.
Discussion–This section should address the limitations of the current research. Because all
research has its limitations; it is important to discuss the limitations of the research articles under examination 22.
Proposed Solutions–This section should address proposed solutions to bring attention to the
selected issue. Although transformational thinking is encouraged, rational solutions should be proposed. This section should also address how the role of the health administrator will be altered based on the solutions proposed.
Be original.
Conclusions–The conclusion restates the problem the paper addresses and summarizes the
writer’s thoughts on the selected issue. This section also offers areas for further study.
Christian Worldview -The last part of the paper should also address how your Christian Worldview perspective impacts or frames the issues presented in the paper. Including Scripture
that supports your topic is expected.

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