Healthcare Human Resources Strategies, Practices, and Tactics

Healthcare Human Resources Strategies, Practices, and Tactics

How do you plan on finding a qualified HR Director?

As the newly hired Vice President of Human Resources, the CEO of WRMC has asked you to develop a written hiring proposal that includes information on recruiting, training, and succession planning for the new HR Director.

The proposal should be a Word document and address the following:

How do you plan on finding a qualified HR Director? Where will you advertise the position? What are you looking for in a qualified candidate?
When you select the best applicant, how will you train him or her? Who will train them? How long will they train? What are the top five items that he or she will need to be trained on?
Describe what a succession plan is and the importance of having one in an organization.
How will you ensure that the department is prepared if this HR Director resigns? Who will serve in the HR Director capacity on an interim basis?

Answer preview how do you plan on finding a qualified HR Director?


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