Week 5 Project
Style | APA |
Number of words | 1354 |
Number of sources | 0 |
Spacing | Double |
PowerPoint slides | 0 |
Write a comprehensive medical report on a disease we have studied up to this point. Be sure to include all relevant medical history, testing/diagnostics, treatment options, and recommended plan of action. The paper should be in APA format and 4–6 pages submitted to the Submissions Area. cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, hepatobiliary, lymphatic, reproductive, or nervous systemsanemias hypertension GI tract (Vomiting, Diarrhea, GERD, Cirrhosis, Colitis, Neoplasms).
The following components MUST be included in your Medical Reports:
1. Relevant medical history of the disease/disorder (signs and symptoms reported by the patient) as well as pathophysiological mechanisms.
2. Physical Exam findings associated with the disease/disorder
3. Diagnostic Tests (include how they help make the diagnosis)
4. Treatment Options (include mechanism of action of any medications)
5. Prognosis if treated and if NOT treated.
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