Explain the history of social class influences and the affect it has on consumer behavior.

Explain the history of social class influences and the affect it has on consumer behavior.

Paper instructions

In this creative assignment you will create a 5-6 minute presentation (e.g., PPT with voice over, Prezi, YouTube, or other video/presentation file format). Be sure your presentation includes the following items:
• First, start with your own definition of what social class is and what household class is.
• Next, discuss the history of social class, its origins, and what it is today.
• Then, discuss why you believe social class profiling by marketing companies
is used – discuss the advantages and disadvantages.
• Finally, describe a company that has been successful in targeting a social
class or household class with their audience and how the company has been able to change consumer buying decisions.
Be sure to support your presentation with visuals and references. You will share your presentation on the discussion board with your peers in week 8!
Your presentation will be 5-6 minutes and should be in proper APA format. You will submit your presentation in class.
Objective being assessed: Explain the history of social class influences and the affect it has on consumer behavior. Describe household and social class influences and how these affect consumer acquisition and consumption decisions.

Comments from Customer
as we do not do a voice-over, however we can provide you with a scrip, please do that


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Explain the history of social class influences and the affect it has on consumer behavior.


641 words

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