How gender policing has functioned and still functions in your own life

How gender policing has functioned and still functions in your own life

Discuss the concept of gender policing. For this discussion board post, think about how gender policing has functioned and still functions in your own life. For example, how have your parents, family members, friends, and/or peers demonstrated normative gender ideology (or “taught” you your gender)? How have you taken steps to police the way you “do” your own gender? How do these ideas contribute to the perpetuation of heteronormativity, as discussed by Karin A. Martin’ in “Normalizing Heterosexuality: Mothers’ Assumptions, Talk, and Strategies with Young Children,” and Kristen Myers and Laura Raymond in “Elementary School Girls and Heteronormativity: The Girl Project”?

***REMEMBER: You must explicitly, consistently, and complexly engage with course materials throughout your posts and be sure to edit thoroughly before you submit. Failing to do so will result in significant point deductions.

You must quote or explicitly paraphrase from the course materials (only from the materials above) as a method to support the argument that you are making.

Solution Preview
Gender policing to the societal expectations of how persons should behave and interact with others based on their sex. The community judges people’s behaviors based on their sex. For this reason, individuals’ actions are expected…
(631 Words)
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