I need someone to write my essay

I need someone to write my essay


This is your final assignment in the course, and will serve to help you bring together and apply many of the concepts we have covered through the lens of a single organization. To be successful, please follow the outlined guidelines and suggestions below:

The Details

Choose an organization you are passionate or very curious about. It can be for- or not-for-profit, local or not, just choose one that intrigues you.

Organize the study in a simple essay style, beginning with your name, course name, date and title of assignment. Use nicely organized headings (I suggest using the sections as headings below). Please use your best writing skills, proofread, edit and then edit some more. Also I ask that you use footnotes to cite your sources.

Length is relative – quality is not. I hesitate assigning a specific length, and instead I encourage you to adequately address all of the sections. As long as you do this and do it well, length will vary. For those of you who this drives nuts, somewhere in the 5-7 single spaced ranged is historically what students have written and covered everything very well.

The style and formatting should be well-organized, crisp and clean. Feel free to use charts, infographics, boxes, etc. if it makes sense to do so. Think of yourself as an advocate and stakeholder for your chosen organization – if you are informing others about your company, you’d want it to look very professional and attractive, right?

Do not hesitate to ask questions in the Final Case Study (preferably) or The Office discussion forums!

Email final draft (in Word or as a PDF) directly to me at adamstutz@alaska.edu. Title your file: Last Name_Final Case Study_BA151. Due on Monday, Dec. 10th by 11:59p.m. AST.

The essay should include the following sections:

Company Introduction/Overview

Introduce the business you have chosen. Tell your reader what kind of business it is, what it sells/offers, what is its mission, where is it located and any other pertinent information to set the stage.


Tell us when and how the business was created, by whom, for what original purpose, etc. Has it changed ownership? Has it changed the services/products offered?

Legal Structure

Do some research and find out what legal structure the business chose (this is from Part 2 – Section 6 of the book). Discuss if you believe this is the best structure for them and of course, why or why not.


Drawing on what you learned from Sections 12 and 13, provide all of the products/services the business offers and how they benefit the consumer. Then, analyze and discuss how the company promotes its business (please give specific examples about what tools they utilize – e.g. social media platforms). Lastly discuss their distribution and pricing strategies. Are they working well? Why or why not.

Ethics and Social Responsibility

Keeping what you learned from Section 4 in mind, tell us how the business scores in this area. If it’s doing well, give us tangible, concrete examples of what practices they employ. If they’re not doing so hot, tell us why and how they could improve.

Management & Motivation

Describe how management is set up within your chosen business. Next, discuss how the company motivates their employees, making sure to use specific examples. Lastly, what kind of unique human resource practices do they employ…be sure to pull from Sections 14 and 15 as much as you can.


This is where you bring it all together, first briefly summarize your findings, but more importantly, leave your reader with compelling reflections about this business. What did you learn? What are they doing well? What could other businesses learn to do (or not to do) from this business?



Solution Preview

General Motor Corporation


The general motor is a global company whose aim is to manufacture the motor vehicle, sell motor vehicle spare parts and selling financial services. The company headquarter is situated in Detroit city of Michigan. The company has several branches around the globe and has invested shares with other automobile manufacturers around the globe. It is one of the largest automobiles in America and the largest motor manufacturer in the world. it manufactures vehicle in 37 countries around the globe (McCloy 46-61) .

General motor vision and mission statement are to be the world leader in the transport sector and provide related product through continuous innovation driven by integrity, creativity, and teamwork of its workforce.

(3,053 words)

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