in description
- Identify three ideas from each of the following that stand out to you. These can be shared as bullet points but should express complete thoughts that a peer could learn from.
- The Academic Argument
- Argument Dinner Party Series, Part I
- Argument Dinner Party Series, Part II
- The Parts of Essays: Main Claims, Subclaims, and Outlines
- Parts of Body Paragraphs (SEER)
- They Say/I Say, Chapter 3
- They Say/I Say, Chapter 4
- Identify one technique you’d like to work on from the readings or videos listed, above, and write 100-125 words about this skill, why it’s important, and how you’ll incorporate this learning in your essays this semester.
- It can be a challenge to find sources that oppose ours when we are writing academic arguments. How have you found opposing sources or what is a technique you could try? How might you break a problem down to find an important element that a credible source might disagree with?
Solution Preview
Question 1
The Academic Argument
- Academic arguments often rely on research from credible sources in the form of paraphrases, summaries or quotations.
- It is important to present the oppositional positions of a given claim.
- A good academic argument should be supported by claims and sub claims.
Argument Dinner Party Series, Part I
- An argument should be a smart and deliberate conversation between smart individuals.
- Do not repeat ideas when formulating arguments.
(363 words)