Instructions are in description box

Instructions are in description box

APA format

Social Work perspective/assignment

  • Why is self-care important?
  • What is your current self-care routine? If you do not have a self-care routine how do you plan to implement one?
  • How do you plan to avoid burnout and vicarious trauma when it comes to Social Work field?

length of post: 200– 300 words

Complete grammar and sentences


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Self-care in Social Work Perspective

            Self-care entails actions that enhance our physical and mental wellbeing. Self-care plays a great role in preventing overload burnout. Sometimes a person can feel overwhelmed by something and feel like giving up. Self-care prevents people from reaching that point. Self-care helps in reducing the negative effects associated with stress. Maintaining ourselves prevents us from being overwhelmed by stress which may hinder us from functioning at our full capacity (Hurst, 2017). Furthermore, self-care enables an individual to refocus.

(349 words)

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