Intro to Logic Questions

Intro to Logic Questions

If a normal human person in a normal human body living in a normal human social world were transformed into a normal octopus that lives in the normal oceanic world of an octopus, then the personal identity of that human person would eventually change so radically that s/he would no longer be the same human person or even remain a human person. Similarly, if anything survives after a human being dies, the transformation from a material to immaterial world is so radical that the personal identity of that human person would eventually change so radically that s/he would no longer be the person that s/he was in the material world. Part (A) For both arguments and explanations:

1. What are the statements?

2. How are the statement used?

3. What is the map of the reasoning?

4. Are there any assuring or guarding qualifiers?

5. What is the nature of the conclusion? Form? Kind of claim? Are there any words or group of words that need to be clarified? What is the charitable or interpretation of the key words?

6.. Can I convincingly refute the conclusion? What is the BEST opposing view(s) against my refutation? Is there a charitable or loyal way of interpreting key words that prevent the refutation?

7.. What is the nature of each reason? Form? Kind of claim? Are there any words or group of words that need to be clarified? What is the charitable or loyal interpretation of the key words?

8. What is the probability of each reason? Can I convincingly refute each reason? What is the BEST opposing view(s) against my refutations? Is there a charitable or loyal way representing a supporting (or explanatory) relation, if the product of an overall evaluation is 80% or higher, then it is reasonable to accept the conclusion from those reasons.

As the x% product decreases below 80%, it becomes less reasonable to accept the conclusion from those reasons. If the x% product gets close to or below 50%, we should definitely not accept the conclusion from those reasons. The phrase “from those reasons” is important because a conclusion that is unacceptable from its given reasons could still be acceptable from different reasons that meet all the relevant standards of reasoning.

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